Social Atmosphere

Post » Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:06 pm

Hello everyone, I am trying to find mods that enhance the atmosphere as far as towns and settlements are concerned. What I find most troubling is that you can just walk around and do whatever you want and have no impact at all on the society...

You can break into someones house and steal their stuff, and even if the guards get you they still wont treat you differently later... In fact, aside for assaulting someone I cant see any change in behavior toward the player at all... If it exists, I would like mods that make what the player does more impactful on the community. For example, there should be a way to mug someone IE take their stuff without pickpocketing, and stuff like that, where if you go around causing trouble you get a reputation and shops dont want to deal without unless you intimidate them into doing business. And likewise, if some drifter blows into town and starts causing trouble, or some thug wants to hustle the old man down the street, if you go and fight them or deal with them in some way they stop causing trouble and the community looks at you like a paragon...

Social impact is huge for role playing, and I feel that arbitrarily going through town and trading, getting new jobs, then going back out into the world just isnt enough for the game to feel more alive...

Another thing I was thinking about, was a game without a story line... a problem I see with factions for example is that you do one job, then you get forced into a story line job that you may or may not want to do. I use the overhaul Requiem which makes drouger almost impossible to kill, yet the second mission for the companions takes you into a burial mound where you cant win no matter what you do... I would like to see factions and other stuff you can get involved with where you dont have to do any kind of 'main story' if you dont want to...

I like the idea of more factions and the ability to have an impact on the world around you, but I also like the idea that the player could be insignificant on the world stage, such as the war happening regardless of the player, can you imagine sleeping in the inn at whiterun only to wake up and find that the streets are on fire because a battle for the city began at dawn, and your just stuck in the middle of it?

Something that was advertised when the game was released was that shop keepers could die and that people would take their place, I had to kill the guy at the drunken huntsmen because he kept attacking me on sight... That shop never reopened...

Ohh, and festivals, there should be seasonal happens as well, that would be great ^_^

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help...

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