just to test this, i setup a script on the fire damage effect attached to the fireball spell.
Scriptname addperkonmagiceffect extends activemagiceffect
perk property myperk auto
event oneffectstart(actor target, actor caster)
the script compiled, and i manually added the perk property to it
the created myperk is mainly blank, with no target conditions (since it has no other way of being applied)
with one entry point for mod incoming spell magnitude - set value = http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1506911-adding-a-perk-to-an-actor-through-a-magic-effect-script/0.00
set to getisid "fireball" on the spell tab
this should add the perk to my target after it gets hit by the first fireball, and then make them take 0 damage from any additional fireballs
however, it doesn't work.
is it possible to add perks to targets through this method? if so, any idea what i may have done wrong?