Looking for advanced AI package tutorials help

Post » Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:18 am

Hello! I'm diving into making AI packages for some NPCs and am having some trouble, but can't seem to find any advanced resources. Most of the YouTube / wiki / tutorials simply show how to give an AI the default sleep and sandbox package and call it a day, but I need to do something just slightly more advanced than that.

I'll outline my problem in case someone has some specific advice, or tips to guide me down the right path:

I need the NPC / creature to sandbox (standard) but flee when the player approaches. Kind of like the deer, but I believe the deer don't really sandbox. Also, the deer in the CK don't have an AI package, so I could not find where it inherits it from to see how it is handled.

There is a "KeepAwayFrom" package in the CK that does the flee part wonderfully, but it will not execute any other package in the stack when it's complete or idle. The NPC stands frozen with nothing to do. This happens both when I stack the KeepAwayPackage and Sandbox package, and even when making a new template entirely that actually combines all of these activities into a single process. It also happens when both processes / branches are set to run simultaneously, something I saw in a tutorial for having an NPC wander until they find what the primary AI package asks of them. In my case it just never bothers with any package but the "keep away".

Any guidance would be appreciated! I feel like the solution would be putting the right condition on the KeepAwayFrom package, but what that condition would be is over my head.

Thanks much!

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Margarita Diaz
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