Poll: Companions

Post » Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:24 pm

Welcome to another weekly poll from your illustrious overlord, the Boomlord. This week's topic: Companions.

Which are your favorite? How do you use them? Best quest? Best character? Most powerful?

All of these questions need to be answered.

As for the personal question of the week (I always have one), what do you want to see as a topic for future polls? Is there something you are curious to view? Is there something really nagging you? I have nothing lined up and though I have several ideas, I would like to get some greater interaction with the community with these. Please don't post overused, hackneyed topics or topics that are currently on the first page of the forum right now. The current polls we have done (We don't double dip) are as enumerated below:

"How you play New Vegas"

"Guns 'n Stuff"

"New Vegas Radio Stations"



Let me know in the comments below how you use companions and what you would like to see in future polls.

NOTE: This poll does not contain DLC content as not all voters are eligible to vote for DLC content. The DLC characters, being as awesome as they are, would draw votes away from other characters, making them inelligible to receive some votes. So for the sake of a level playing field, this poll does not include DLC content.

BTW: The final question is up to your interpretation of "favorite." It is purely up to you. Address why you value companions: Do you like their power? Their story? Their perk? Or their presence? It is purely up to you. You may like a character for no particularly reason or perhaps you are loyal to them as they were your "first." I don't know and feel free to say in the comments why you voted, but that's what the question is asking.

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josie treuberg
Posts: 3572
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2007 7:56 am

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