Overpowered king of everything

Post » Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:00 pm

S- 7 (+imp, + reinforced spine = 10)
P- 5 (+imp, + elite riot = 8)
Endurance - 7 (+imp)
Charisma - 1 (cause who really cares)
Intelligence - 5 (+imp = 6 educated and comprehension are more important than a high int for skill points)
Agility 7 (+imp, +sierra Madre glitch if that's your thing)
Luck - 8 (+imp =9)

So the maxed strength is almost required for a melee fellow, and one who uses miniguns. A high perception is useful in combat (or before combat really) as detecting before you are detected is always beneficial. The 7 starting endurance allows 7 implants, and makes the implant GRX accessible. Charisma is useless, and allows the full effect of party time mentats to be used (the +5 gives a bonus of ten to barter and speech which can be useful). Intelligence, to me is somewhat overrated. Half a skill point per level per SPECIAL point is miniscule when compared to the extra 92 added by level 4 educated, and the extra 80 ish from comprehension. 7 agility gives lotsa action points for range characters, and allows access to Tunnel Runner for melee/sneak builds, which is very useful. A luck of nine after the implant allows you to win all of the caps in the casinos, as well as the complimentary vouchers from dead money.

So what do you think? And where would the extra special point from the conclusion of le DLC go?
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Doniesha World
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