What level were you and at what difficulty were you playing the game when you fought Morokei and finished the CoW questline?
What level were you and at what difficulty were you playing the game when you fought Morokei and finished the CoW questline?
That was nearly three years ago and I've got a thousand hours logged into this game.
I don't bloody remember.
Morokei is easily defeated by certain types of Summons at any difficulty.
I have a level 13 Archmage, but most of My characters do not finish the COW Questline until after level 26.
novice and I don't remember the character lv exactly but under lv 15.
I've never touched the default difficulty slider. Completed CoW around level 15-20. My mystic archer didn't have any trouble with the dragon priest. By using stealth and max range, he never really cued in on where she exactly was. . . and her mystic bow took him down without him being able to fire a shot. Turned out to be very anti climatic. Buffy's a no melee mystic archer with loads of magic resistance and high bow damage but a tiny red health bar and an armor rating that is typically single digit - some foes are easy (dragons and magic users) and some foes are hard (groups of strong melee fighters).
Depends on the character. I think my last one was Level 22, on Adept.
He's a tough adversary... best way to fight him is pound him from a distance..
Hi. I play on adept.
Depending on the character, I usually finished the CoW at around level 20, but just recently, I finished it with a character at level 72.
This is me, too. The one thing I remember clearly is that we walked from Helgen to Winterhold and my character was level 6 by the time we got there. I'm guessing she must have been in her high teens or level 20 by the time we finished.
I'm like Korturn. I can't remember most of the details about my CoW character anymore. It was years ago.