Magic Effect Target Condition help

Post » Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:47 am

I have created 2 magic effects for a cloak to apply to nearby targets. I've been using the target condition function GetWithinDistance to make each effect apply within a certain range.

The first effect is supposed to apply when the target is within ten feet of the player. The second effect is supposed to apply when the target is between ten feet and the cloaks maximum range (20ft).

The way I have GetWithinDistance set up must not be correct because both effects are applying over the whole range.

The function relies on 2 variables: a reference, which i set to player, and a float number, which i left at the default 0.00.

The creation kit website doesn't have any information on GetWithinDistance.

Can anyone tell me what the float number on this function does? I suspect it is causing my problems.

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Suzy Santana
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