I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this, but I'd like verification. All over the internet I see different answers regarding which SkyrimPrefs.ini to edit when you want to edit your game. Half says the one in My Documents while the other half says the one located in your steam directory. I have reason to believe that you need to edit the one located in My Documents despite the fact many people swear up and down to the contrary, especially when it comes to stuff like disabling mouse smoothing. I have read that the ini located in the steam directory is nothing more than a reference for the game to use when creating a new ini in My Documents and that anyone saying you need to edit the one in the steam directory is misinformed. That is what I have read anyways. What is your take on this? I know this is a question as old as time itself, but I'd like to end this here and now. Which ini is the correct one to edit?
EDIT: I would just like to add that I have also read from the same source that the one ini you need to edit is the one that contains the line "sD3DDevice="[YOUR GRAPHICS CARD NAME]"". That just so happens to also be the one located in My Documents which strengthens my belief that that is the one that needs to be edited.