Bit of a strange bug, I'm wondering if anyone else has run into this. If I go back to a corpse after leaving and returning to a cell, the inventory will be all messed up: fake duplicates of some items and missing other items.
For example, say a bandit has Green Linens, Fur Cuirass, Fur Shield, Iron Axe. Go back to the cell and click on the bandit and it will show 2 copies of the Green Linens, 2 Fur Cuirasses and the Iron Axe and Fur Shield will be gone, even if the axe is visibly equipped on the corpse. Clicking on one of the Green Linens causes both copies to disappear from the bandit and 1 item to show up in my character's inventory, but the missing items will never show up again.
Now, I should say that this is a "near" vanilla install: just the GOTY edition (Oblivion, SI & Knights) + Unofficial Patches, and Harvest Flora. No obse or any other mods. But it is running under Wine on linux, which I assume is the source of the bug. Nothing to keep me from playing, especially since I'm just ecstatic I've finally got Oblivion working under Wine. Bur I'm wondering if anyone else has seen this before, Wine or otherwise.