I've read over some bugs involving the starting quest, but nothing caught my eye that was anything like what I had just experienced. When I climbed up the first castle you enter immediately after Alduin's attack and waited after Alduin busted the wall down, I waited for Ralof to catch up. I couldn't tell if he was saying something or not as he was coming up the stairs, but I want to say he was. Anyways I was waiting for him to tell me to jump into the adjacent building, but he never did. He just stood there motionless and mute with the objective marker hovering over his head. I even nudged him, but he just waltzed back over to his post and stood there. I don't know if it's even necessary for him to tell you to jump first, but I played it safe and reloaded a save to try again. Luckily for me, that time he decided to cooperate. Is this a common bug, or am I special case? I really hope it's the former so I don't feel so worried.