Orc mercenary character (quest to doavoid?)

Post » Tue Sep 16, 2014 11:18 pm

Gonna roll an big gruff Orc mercenary this time, personality ala Punisher and Dirty Harry. I've made him a Mercenary so I can justify doing most of the quests. He's in it for the money.

Durz the Brute
A ex-Legion Soldier who became a mercenary, he had hoped to travel to Skyrim to join the fight against the rebel Stormcloaks and earn some big bucks. On his way across the border he was picked up by a Legion patrol, and a racist Legion commander arrested him and send him off to Helgen for execution with several Stormcloaks and a hapless horse thief. He vowed then and there to massacre as many Legion soldiers as he could and to join the Stormcloaks in their fight against them despite being politically apathetic.
He has a rather harsh distrust of elves and redguard and will happily dispatch them if he thinks he can get away with it. He's also distrustful of using magic. He has no problem with magically enchanted inanimate objects such as weapons, but dislikes casters.
Most comfortable in heavy armor. He opts for a sword, though he tends towards axes when possible.
As you can read he was gonna join the Stormcloaks, but not sure if that would be fun? Would an Orc feel out of place fighting for the Stormcloaks? Would the Imperials be a better choice? Also would quests to do an avoid? I bet that I could pull of most quests seeing that he is an mercenary and only cares about the money. But are there really any quests that I should avoid doing?
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Marine x
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Post » Tue Sep 16, 2014 9:14 pm

Obvious quests to take:

Companions - mecenaries 100%

Dark Brotherhood - kill for money (also take revenge by killing the Emperor, Commander Maro and Amaund Motierre)

Thieves Guild - money, money and more money

Bounty quests

The cursed Tribe (you're an orc, i'm sure you wanna have that big, bad hammer)

Quest to avoid:

Collage of Winterhold

Bard's Collage

The mind of madness

Walking nightmares

For the civil war part, either join Stormcloaks or stay neutral (i would stay away)

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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Wed Sep 17, 2014 12:59 am

I'd also stay out of te divines quests. I mean Dibella in Markarth, Mara in Riften and Kynareth in Whiterun. To peaceful, underpayed and ideological for a mercenary.

Talking to wandering mercenaries and stealing notes from couriers on the roads are the good ways to get some incentive for random dungeon crawling.
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Gen Daley
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Post » Wed Sep 17, 2014 7:04 am

No, not at all. Any race can join either side, really. For whatever reason.

And your character's reason sounds just fine to me.

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Anthony Diaz
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