First thing to try, disable the Nvidia Control Panel and see how the game runs. The control panel is there for post game video processing, and the less of that the better with the game. Same with the Nvidia Experience program (that just updates your drivers automatically, not always a good thing)
Are you running any mods, in particular, ENB's? Perhaps something needs to be tweaked in those settings.
Did you have an ATI/AMD card before? If so, did you use something like Driver Sweeper to completely remove the ATI drivers?
Do you have Windows Aero enabled ???
I thing there are two options on enblocal.ini you should try.
EnableFPSLimiter=true or EnableVSync=true in enblocal.ini.
REad above posts too.....
Post what card you have and what ENB you are using.
First of all thanks for the replies everyone. Now let's get to business.
Well disabling the Nvidia Control Panel sadly didn't work. I am running mods and Enb, but I already tried disabling all my mods and the Enb to no avail. I saw absolutely no difference between my mod enabled setup and the one without mods. Disabling the Enb did help a bit but it didn't completely eliminate the problem. Funny thing though without the Enb I only have screen tearing in exteriors and with ENB I only have it in interiors and cities. I was first using Kountervibe Enb, but I switched to K-Enb after a while to see if it would perhaps help with the screen tearing but it didn't do anything. I kept it though because I like it more.
I had a GTX 770 before and I upgraded to a 780 because things became too graphically intensive for the poor 770. The 780 helps a bunch with these problems but now it's as if I traded having no screen tearing for extra performance. I still used Driver Sweeper to be completely sure though because I didn't trust Windows auto updating the driver. Alas also to no avail.
I already read your post suggesting somebody else to try and enable Windows Aero but sadly it didn't work for me. I also already tried playing around with the Enblocal settings for EnableFPSLIMITER and EnableVsync but neither of them really had any effect. The FPS limiter did nothing, and turning Enb's V-Sync on or off didn't really do anything except for changing the type of tearing. With it enabled I have Horizontal Tears and with it disabled edges of objects for example pillars tear.
What's your monitor native refresh rate ???
It's 60Hz. I capped at 60fps though as V-sync seems to be working, except it for some reason doesn't remove the tears. I tried capping it at a lower fps a couple of times like 50, 30 and 20 but in every case the screen tearing managed to persist.