So, a while back I built a new PC. I still have Morrowind on my laptop, with a nice load order that I like with over 100 esp/esm files, the version of mlox, Wrye Mash, TES3cmd, etc I like and everything is working great.
When I installed modded Oblivion to my new PC, I installed exactly the same load order as I have on my laptop, but I did it all manually, first installing the game, then going through all the steps you go through to get modded Oblivion up and running smoothly. The whole process took an entire weekend.
If I do the same process with Morrowind, it might be a little quicker, since I have fewer mods, but it is still going to be an all day job, since I will have to go back and check the readmes for everything to make sure I don't miss a step somewhere along the line, etc. It is just a time consuming job to install 20 GB of software one by one.
But since Morrowind does not seem to care about the registry, I am wondering if I can just install Morrowind to one location (maybe in a back-up directory, sicne I always keep a vanilla copy as a backup) and then just copy/paste my entire Morrowind folder from the laptop to the PC in a different location?
Or maybe just copy/paste it on top of the installed Morrowind and replace everything?
If I can do that, it would be a heck of a lot easier than installing everything manually.
Anyone know if this will work? Or if there are any problems with doing it this way that I have not anticipated?