New to Modding - FPS Drop but I have a good rig - PleaseHelp

Post » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:58 am

I've recently installed some basic mods to overhaul my game graphically. I've started very basic just to see what it looks like. Im using Mod Organizer, not Nexus MO. I'm worried I did something wrong because I'm having a low frame rate issue when running. My game is running between low 30s-high 40s with the occasional dip into the 20s or peak in the 50/60s. I expected to be atleast 50-60+ steady due to the specs of my system which are:

i7-4790k processor

asus maximus hero VII mobo

ballistix sport 16 gb ram

evga 3gb 780 gtx superclocked gpu

cx750m corsair psu

install order (left pane of Mod Organizer):









immersive weapons

" " armor

enhanced blood

enhanced lights and fx

skyrim hd-2k textures (all files merged together)

cloaks of skyrim

project reality -climates of tam

sfo (vurts flora)

grass on steroids

Load Order (right side pane): I am using LOOT to sort














water DG





water db waves


skyrim flora

water plants


dd-enhanced blood main

grass on steroids_naturaledition

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Post » Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:58 am

Graphics mods are notorious for beating the crap out of your framerate......

The Beth hi-res packs are not well optimized.....

Run some variety of monitor while playing, and see if you can discover where the bottleneck is.

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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:39 pm

Would it make sense that I'm running Battlefield 4 on max settings and when I'm playing Conquest Large in the thick of heavy gameplay action I'm getting 70+ FPS steady? Is there a fix to better optimize the beth hi-respacks? Or should I rid them all together?

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emma sweeney
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Post » Fri Sep 19, 2014 2:36 am

Re: Bethesda's Hi-Res pack: Overwrite with these textures: and

That made a big difference for me. And the quality is actually better, so it's a win-win.

What do you have your grass size set to in your .ini file? With Grass on Steroids, you shouldn't need any number lower than 70 or so (lower, in this case, means more/denser grass) Grass mods can really kill performance no matter how beefy your system is.

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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Thu Sep 18, 2014 9:52 pm

I can tell you right now that SFO can hit your FPS pretty hard. Grass mods can also give you some good FPS drops.

I would reconsider both of those if you can live without them.

Edit: Also, didn't see it in your list but trees can also give you hit to FPS too.

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Kevan Olson
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Post » Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:20 pm

Why is that the left pane you have immersive weapons and the right pane you do not.

Why is there only 1 esp for Immersive armours and not 2.

I don't understand MO but something doesn't look right with that.
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Fri Sep 19, 2014 12:36 pm

I did not like the Bethesda Hi Res at all I found much nicer ones on nexus.

Pick one HD mod/ mod series and don't double up. My mod list is similar to yours. I run a GTX 780 with a steady 60FPS.

Don't try to go over 60 even if your gear can. The game kind of flips out.

I'd try turning off or uninstalling the Beth HD 1,2,3, and see if that brings your FR back up.

You did not say how much AA you are running.

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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Fri Sep 19, 2014 4:00 am

i doubt that it's the high res dlcs. you overwrite most of it anyway with skyrim 2k

try uninstalling elfx and/or enhanced candlelightsandfx, these two can at times kill your fps in spots (mostly interiors).

also, despite your powerfull rig, go to nexus and search for guides about stability and performance. it will help you a lot.

and of course, if you run stupidly high resolutions and anti aliasing settings and may be a powerfull ENB with AO, then your fps is quite normal actually. it's very easy to kill your framerate when modding. knowing what you do is very important.

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Laura-Lee Gerwing
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Post » Fri Sep 19, 2014 1:54 am

Skyrim 2K doesn't overwrite all of the Hi-Res DLC textures, just the landscape and architectural ones. Clothes, animals, weapons, etc are unaffected, which is why the Performance texture packs I listed above are so useful.

And you can't "double up" textures. Lots of people use textures from a variety of sources. Only one texture can be in use at any one time (thus no "doubling up"), but mixing and matching preferred textures from different mods is common, and perfectly fine to do.

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Latino HeaT
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Post » Fri Sep 19, 2014 6:20 am

Sorry if I mislead the OP I am new to modding as well. So are you saying I can't run (doubling up)

Plugins- High Res texture packs 1,2,3 and

Mods- Skyrim HD 2K textures, Dungons , landscape, misc, towns, Riften from NebuLa together with the NMM?

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