I'm no expert, but as far as I can tell FCOM was last updated in 2012, not 2009: http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/files/file/1294-fcom-convergence/ And here is the FCOM release thread, which is still being maintained by Arkngt X, and whose last post was written just a few weeks ago: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1501789-rel-fcom-convergence/#entry23647666
But, regardless, I have to disagree about this idea of mods being "live" or "dead." That's not the way I think about mods at all. I believe that if a mod was good four years ago then that mod still good today. Notions of "live" or "dead" don't enter into my thinking.
I don't think mods are necessarily "better" simply because they are newer and I don't think a mod is "worse" simply because it is no longer being worked on. I use many mods that haven't been updated in years. They worked fine then and they work fine now.