So... I'm doing some testing, to in the future, add some weapons to an old mod of mine. This time consisting of, very big weapons.
The weapon in question, is simply, a larger version of the dwarven warhammer, it's texture will be changed in the future. I simply made it a copy of said nif larger in Nifskope, and gave it a different nif name for compatibility reasons. Problem is... The blood stain from hitting things in combat, doesn't scale with the weapon, and it's very very jarring. (A long time ago I made a similar weapon in Fallout called the "Deathclaw Basher", but as I recall if I remember right it didn't have that issue, cause back then Fallout didn't have a blood stain on weapons effect). Also... Altering impact data didn't get rid of it.
Is there some way I can remove that blood stain effect entirely, so that won't be an issue anymore? I'd be really thankful if someone knew how to fix this.