So can anyone clear things up a bit? Are we saying destruction isn't viable endgame on Legendary and Master difficulty? Or all difficulties?
Thanks in advance for your answers.
edit: I'm sure it's across different difficulty levels not just one.
I generally only play on the mid range difficulty level and I do find destruction magick a bit lacking without some sort of help.
See edited post
A bit sleepy from work so I didn't properly read the question. Apologies. But yes it would be more viable on lower level difficulties.
I suspect also that some of the complaints about Destruction are really complaints about the power of directly cast "missile" spells, like fireballs and lightning. Players may not be taking full advantage of some of the more defensively used spells, like runes and walls. I also think that, like any other combat skill, Destruction is going to work better paired with a second skill, like Alteration or Conjuration. We think nothing of pairing Armor with a Sword; likewise mage skills work better in combination.
Use it with conjuration/alteration/illusion and it can become very OP.
Destruction skill alone, is as viable on master & legendary, as one handed, also alone, is. When it comes to either of these two difficulty settings, it's not about individual skills, but skill synergies.