hated it. for the following reasons.
Straight rip from Underworld, zero points for originality given
Conflicts with free roaming the camera which screenarchers like me do a LOT
Where does the armor come from on the body? Werewolf form it makes sense that your armor is removed. But vampire lord to lose your armor and re-appear in another type of armor? Nah...
I don't want to some big ugly bat.
Love playing as a Vampire but never take Vampire Lord 'Gift'!
I don't like it. It's ugly as hell. I'm a vampire lord right now and never use that form. Granted I never use werewolf form either.
I kinda like it.
Granted that I think it has some flaws, but I still enjoy to use it as part of my builds.
Wish it looked like Man-Bat from Batman.
I don’t care for it. I like the idea of an alternate form for Molag Bal’s favorites, I just don’t like the execution. It’s not hideous enough. To me the armor/clothing part is silly. I would prefer a naked hairy bat-thing that could really fly, not Vampire Smurf.
Vampire Smurf, whaha! http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/210/8/1/vampire_smurf_by_avricci-d421a3z.jpg
same sentiment, the talents of the designer was wasted on "familiarity" instead of something intrinsic to TES, we get something straight out of underworld and every other vampire man bat movie . good concept but bad execution -in my opinion-
It's interesting and some of the vampire spells as cool (like the grip one) but overall... Eh. Not really.
this I will agree on. I always wished vanilla wise my female werewolf had a distinction between her and a male werewolf. how about a small yet noticeable pair of briasts to show distinction? there is a mod for this sure but. would make sense in a game. Now before anyone says "A female werewolf with two boobs is unrealistic, should be like six like a canine." Well then the male should also have six nipbles because well. male dogs have nipbles to.
vampire smurf.... bbwaaahahahahahaha!