I wanted to try a build in which I would do as little direct damage as possible, instead remaining hidden in the shadows gleefully admiring the chaos, fear and death I've generated through my knowledge of the Arcane Arts.
A preliminary build I've come up with is as such:
Conjuration: Novice-Master, Mystic Binding, Soul Stealer, Oblivion Binding, Summoner 1/2, Atromancy, Elemental Potency, Twin Souls
Illusion: All perks
Alteration: Novice-Expert, Mage Armor 3/3, Stability
Enchanting: Enchanter, Insightful Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter, Extra Effect
Archer: Overdraw 5/5
Sneak: Stealth 5/5, Backstab, Deadly Aim
These are the skills I wish to use. Nothing more, nothing less.
However, if anyone sees any fat in the perk spread that could be trimmed I'm all ears.
Thanks in advance.