So, I've been doing a thought experiment regarding Dak'kon, the Githzerai character from Planescape: Torment.
Thus far, I've got the visual concept down, with the help of a few mods. I'll post some screenshots later (at work right now).
Just having a problem thinking of skills to give him. I'm thinking along the lines of:
Light Armor
Also, I'm looking for some RP quest ideas. Since he is a creature of chaotic Limbo, I figured the Daedric quests would be a no-brainer. Any other ideas?
PS: The one thing I can't nail down visually is the armor. The best I can find is the Solitude Guard Armor, but it doesn't quite capture the look I desire, though it would work.
Here is the PS:T version of Dak'kon:
So here is my Skyrim conversion thus far:
Race: High Elf
Skills: see above
Armor: Solitude Guard Armor for now, but looking for suggestions; Stormcloak Officer Gauntlets and SC Officer Boots
Weapon: Can't decide between Blades Sword or Phoenix Sword (from Immersive Weapons). Blades sword is a true katana with the curved blade, but the Phoenix ninja-to is a much broader, straight blade.
I want to enchant the weapon, but not sure which to go damage effect or something like Absorb Health/Magicka/Stamina. If you know the history, Dak'kon's Zerth blade has some very special properties.