Illusion: this perk tree is poorly designed. Lacking creativity since most of the perks just raise the power of your spells. While quiet casting can be useful for a lot of characters who don't use illusion, you have to waste three perks to get it.
Restoration: I like this tree with lots of unique perks like ward absorb, healing stamina and regenerating magicka. Also good is that there are a lot of branches so you don't have to waste a ton of perks if you don't want the whole perk tree.
Conjuration: good design letting the player chose between necromancy and summoning and some unique things for bound weapons.
Destruction: good idea with branches for each element, but a little boring. I think destruction in general suffers from the lack of spell making in this game.
Alteration: I like the fact you can get magic resistance and absorption from a perk tree.
Enchanting: pretty good, although somehow I think it could have been more interesting.
Alchemy: all the power perks are near the bottom, so the design of this perk tree allows players to easily make potions stronger. The least useful perks are near the top. Kind of poor design.
Pickpocket and lockpicking: I have not really perked these skills, so I can't really give an opinion.
Speech: has some interesting perks if you like the skill.
Sneak: good design. The most awesome perk is at the top and pure assassins have their own branch.
Heavy armor: this is a terrible perk tree. A perk for hand to hand combat should have nothing to do with Heavy armor, and the falling perk is kind of useless, but you need both of those to get conditioned.
Light armor: like heavy armor but better because those two useless perks are not there.
Smithing: not bad because it's a small tree and you don't have to waste too many perks to get the armor you want.
Archery: one of the best perk trees. Perks like zooming in, ranger, quick shot and power shot really make you feel like you are mastering the skill.
Block: another good one. The right side really has it's own vibe and quick reflexes and the ultimate perk adds some fun gameplay.
One handed/two-handed: not bad because players can specialize by weapon type. I think two handed is better because the sweep perk is awesome (there's no equivalent for one-handed), and great critical charge is much more powerful and worth spending a perk on than critical charge.