I was following Darkfox127's tutorial for making an animal follower and I'm running across a problem with the scripts. He said he would put a different script than he used on the video on his website, but the download didn't work. So I just copied the one from the video perfectly but it didn't work. So I just copied the WEDog script (I think it's the one for Barbas maybe) and just added the DAMessage. That works great except that I can only make my animal follow me once. If I dismiss him I can't activate him again later. How can I make it so he will follow me again? Can I edit my script to do that or do I neeed to use something completely different. Here's the script I'm using now
Scriptname GuentherScript extends ObjectReference DialogueFollowerScript Property DialogueFollower AutoGlobalVariable Property PlayerAnimalCount AutoMessage Property DAFollowingMessage Auto;Actor property dog auto auto state Waitingevent onActivate(objectReference AkActivator) ;if player does not have an animal, make this animal player's animal If PlayerAnimalCount.GetValueInt() == 0 (DialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).SetAnimal(self) DAFollowingMessage.show() gotostate ("done") EndIFendEventendState state doneendstate