This is probably going to end up being a long post, so before I get started, just remember this is opinion, man.
One thing that I haven't been able to do in this game that I always wanted to do is make an ultimate pure mage character. The reason I can't do it is because it takes too many damn perks! Everytime I play a warrior based character it just seems so much more easy to get all the perks I want. So here are some generic examples based off of what you actually see NPCs in Skyrim doing. Both of these hypothetical characters will have four skills for offense and defense and one crafting skill. The warrior is based off Lydia using one handed, shield, heavy armor, bow as a secondary weapon and some smithing. The mage is based off what typical mages in Skyrim can do- cast elemental spells, summon atronachs, use flesh spells for defense, sustain wards and heal themselves. These hypothetical character builds will be awesome versions of the Skyrim archtypal mage and warrior. We want to get the most awesome perks and kick some ass!
First here's the warrior:
Nord, Lady or Steed Stone- 44 total perks for warrior!
Main weapon is sword so I took all the perks for one-handed even the useless critical hits. Blocking is used for defense so went all the way up the left side. Even though all the shield wall perks are not needed for this build I took them all for sake of argument. Some of the popular Skyrim armors are steel plate, dawnguard and nordic carved so I took smithing up to advanced. 6 points in heavy armor, but probably don't need all of those either since we have smithing and block as a skill. For the heavy armor tree I didn't take the left side because everyone says its a waste and didn't take the right side because I cant remember how many of those are glitched. Took everything on the left side of archery tree even though its a secondary skill. Was still able to take all the 5/5 increase power perks. So this overpowered warrior on steroids stayed well under level 50.
Let's look at the mage:
Altmer, Atronach, Apprentice or Lord Stone- 55 total perks for Mage!
Main damage is done with atronachs and destruction spells. Restoration for killing undead and alteration for defense. Enchanting is the crafting skill. Everyone always wants the ultimate perk in enchanting, so I went up the middle. Destruction is the main skill, but we want to save perks, so I chose two elements in case some enemies resist one. Conjuration chose the left side. Need to cast wards, so picked that perk as well as the other ones in restoration that can make your mage awesome. In alteration I picked perks for defense and didn't go all the way to the top. Still ended up with 55 perks.
anolysis: When you compare crafting skills, warriors can save perks by picking an armor type and sticking with it. If you want to be awesome at enchanting most people take 8 perks. In these examples the warrior saved four points. The warrior has three skills that can be used for defense: smithing, block and heavy armor and doesn't need all those perks to be unstoppable. For destruction the mage has to spend extra points for each element. The only effecient perk tree for mages is conjuration where you can get a lot of power with minimal perks.
Conclusion: I still can't figure out how to make my awesome badass mage and keep it around level 40!