i would really appreciate some help...
I've got a brand new disc of the Legendary edition. The first 20 hours were ok, but after that time, every time i go outdoors the title crashes. sometimes it happens when an enemy launches particles, others when i'm killed, that the title is unable to load...the only thing in common in all the crashes is that i'm outdoors.
I went and deleted the game, then installed it again, also created a copy of the save games and deleted the old ones (i've been searching the internet for help and this seemed to help with older versions...)
But the problem is still there, a crash every +-5 minutes, so it's impossible to play. The crashes demand that i restart the console, so i dont want to play it anymore since i'm afraid it would damage the device,
I'm currently playing other games, some with very big seamless worlds, and 0 problems, so i understand it's not machine-related. I can also play for hours indoors without a single freeze...