Hi there,
I am trying to build a mod for a research project in media psychology. Part of the mod is that the game suddenly crashes once after entering Bleakfalls Barrow without loosing the game progress. To accomplish this, I created a new trigger area after the dungeon entrance with the following script:
Scriptname QuitAfterTimeIntervall extends ObjectReference{Quit Game after Quicksave & 10s}import gameimport debugbool property doOnce = TRUE auto{Fire only once? Default: TRUE}bool property disableWhenDone = FALSE auto{Disable after activating? Default: FALSE}bool property playerOnly = TRUE auto{Only Player Triggers? Default: TRUE};************************************auto State waiting Event onTriggerEnter(objectReference triggerRef) Actor actorRef = triggerRef as Actor if(triggerRef == game.getPlayer()) ;debug.messagebox("start") if disableWhenDone Self.Disable() EndIf Utility.Wait(1.0) Input.TapKey(63) Utility.Wait(5.0) Quitgame() if doOnce == TRUE gotoState("allDone") endif endif endEventendState;************************************State allDone ;do nothingendState;************************************
However, after testing the mod, I realized that the script-state is also part of the quicksave. Consequently, the game crashes over and over again when loading the quicksave. Basically, what I want to do is the following:
1. save the game
2. prevent the game from crashing the game after reload
3. crash the game
As a resoult the player should enter Bleakfalls Barrow, expierience a game crash, reload and play on.
Can you provide me with any help for this strange kind of script that probably noone will ever be needing again? 
