I know - seems like an alien idea, but it's true.
So far, more than three years, I have been playing the game on a "POTS"
(Plain Old Television Set)
It's a good one for its time - JVC. 26" diagonal and all of that noise...
But the way we "DO" images, and how we expect our TV's and Monitors to perform has gone far beyond the old school Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) technology. The definition is beyond anything our parents grew up with, and games are designed to be at the cutting edge of that so that they are as realistic looking as they can be,
I remember in 2000 I got a video card to add to my desktop PC that was supposed to do all kinds of cool stuff - one of those things was that it (an ATI "All in Wonder") was going to do for me was allow me to put my computer output onto a TV screen....
Pretty cool you might think. Super BEE-OTCHen.... But nope! I remember exactly the video movie I was watching with it - the first "Under Siege" with Steven Segal. I figured that the TV I had has got a lot bigger screen, so that combined with computer graphics ought to be damned special....
I couldn't even read the letters of the credits at the start of the flick. From then on I watched movies on my computer screen...
That: "DEFINITION" thing had struck, and truly.
Video games on my PC that I thought I would see in a much larger format?
Nope, forget it entirely. Not even "MINEFIELD" or "SOLITAIRE" looked like anything worth the trouble. It was all crap because of the pixel density.
Want to see what SKYRIM has looked like for me for the last three years? Here you go - check this link to my Photobucket library
THAT was taken tonight.
But next wednesday at around this time I finally got the cash to send for a VISIO 1080PI 24" monitor that will bring what I see into the future of modern imagery. Next wednesday the new monitor should get here and the first thing I want to see is how SKYRIM looks on it...
About one week from today you can quit feeling sorry for me, I'll be up to date. I will finally see what you do....
In a way, it's kind of amazing that I could play the game at all with an antique pile of junk like I have been using. But gaming has also taught me how to prioritize damned well - and other things were far more important than entertainment.
I am very excited by this - I can hardly wait to see how it really looks!
A thing that also intrigues me now is getting another one to use as a computer monitor
-It was an AMAZON warehouse deal, $130.oo and free shipping and handling. If I got an even smaller one in the same HI-DEF I might mount one in my car to use for GPS and other things.