Hi, I've got some questions of feasibility related to player characters leveling up that I was wondering if some of you could offer some advice on. The mod I'm currently working on is designed to be a "stand-alone" game mode that is separate from the vanilla Skyrim game, so in general the impact on the normal leveling process, random encounters in the vanilla world, and things of that nature are not important. Also, I'd like to be able to do these things by scripting and/or manipulating settings in the CK rather than creating new UIs, but I realize that may not be possible for all of these. I just want to get some feedback on which of these things are feasible and what some of your suggested approaches would be.
Conditional Perks
- My first question is whether it it possible to make perks (or perk trees) visible (or accessible) only to player characters that meet certain requirements (such as belonging to a particular race). I can't remember if Dawnguard had this functionality or not. As with the other question in this post I'm sure there are many ways around this, but I'd like to keep the perk UI instead of generic message boxes and the like if possible.
Disabling Leveling UI Elements
- Is it possible to disable some or all of the UI-related events that happen when a player character levels up? Namely: disable the option to increase your attribute of choice, reset the character level xp bar without needing to go to the Skills menu, and/or disabling the player character getting a new perk point to spend. For that last one I expect you could just remove a perk point from the player when they level up, but I'd like some input on the other two.