I've never been a fan of Illusion magic in TES games. Never really touched it in Oblivion outside of a single bard character, and I haven't explored it yet in Morrowind.
In Skyrim, I'm aware that Illusion can be incredibly effective. No question: being able to root your enemies in place (well before you can cast Paralyze, in most cases), send them running in terror, or turn them against one another is a great boon. Muffle and Invisibility are obviously great assets for would-be thieves or assassins.
But despite the undeniable strength of Illusion magic in Skyrim, I have never used it on any of my mages - or any characters for that matter.
Part of it probably has to do with the name. 'Illusion' magic to me has a D&D resonance that suggests deception and misdirection rather than straight-up mind control. A D&D Illusionist would weave shadow and thought into a phantasmic blend of image and sound, playing on his audience's impressions rather than dominating them. Skyrim Illusionists work by pointing and shooting globs of red light. It's not exactly artistic.
Second, Illusion magic has been cut in Skyrim to just a few effects. Fear, Calm, and Frenzy are the only 3 offensive effects available to the Illusionist in Skyrim. No Light, no Paralyze, no Charm - not to mention all the effects available in Morrowind. So in addition to not seeming quite like Illusion magic as I've traditionally understood it, Illusion in Skyrim would seem to be rather straightforward and simplistic.
I have grown to enjoy most of the other schools of magic in Skyrim, but I feel like my Destruction mages benefit from more tactical finesse than an Illusion mage ever could.
I'm hoping someone can help me see the light here. Again, it's not that I doubt Illusion's viability - far from it - but I need a new way of looking at it that can help me see its greatness, its coolness, its capacity for interesting gameplay and roleplay opportunities.
Any takers?