I want to make mods (mostly gameplay mods) but I don't have inspiration right now, so feel free to write your requests here. I'm skilled in scripting and I don't create 3D models.
Cheers guys!
I want to make mods (mostly gameplay mods) but I don't have inspiration right now, so feel free to write your requests here. I'm skilled in scripting and I don't create 3D models.
Cheers guys!
What kind of scale are you looking at? Smaller, bigger, or anything? Because I definitely have some ideas in the gameplay area, though less since I've got the ability to make them myself (no time though).
Didn't you have a mod doing a "compass overhaul"?
Right now I play with the compass off but can turn it on with a hotkey. Would be nice with something that added the compass as an item and you need it in your inventory to be able to turn it on. Options for 1. having to stand still. 2. Enough light to see unless using night vision. 3. Possible to remove Enemies etc; Locations, Quest markers. 4. Taking your bearings from sun or stars to get the compass. Prob allot better suggestions out there.
You get no brownie points for walking in Skyrim. Why not? Easier holding your clothes together to keep the heat. Don't startle animals, like bear attacks! Maybe if you are walking you should be able to pass quite near without getting attacked by predators.
Small boosts to Stamina/Health/Magica if you mostly walk, not run.
Bonus for Armour/weapons, being more prepared than running around with flapping arms and wild eyes...
EDIT: Uh, maybe some mechanic that makes you walk a bit faster without fiddling with the speedmult setting. Hmm, the npcs got three or four speeds right? The player only got two because of how it is implemented, but is there no way to get the quicker walk too the PC? Maybe as a speed up when walking a short way or double tap the run button, or a third hotkey. Or maybe it is not possible...
Again, guess there are better suggestions for how walking could affect ones PC.
Those two are something that I have not seen nor really seen any interest for either.
Well, not saying you should make them, just tossing the idea out there if you find em worth while
How about some scripted weapon/armor enchantments?
Weapon enchantment - Chance on killing enemy to resurrect said npc/creature for x seconds
1)Chance on hit to block the sun (Think dawnguard bloodcursed arrow)
2)On equip Increase run speed and constantly drain a small amount of hp and halt mana regen (Idea being its great for running from point a to b, but semi dangerous)
3) On equip kill npc and resurrect as a dead thrall. (Idea being you put a cursed ring on them) To further balance it, perhaps require you to have a 'master' ring to control the minion. And if you ever take off the ring, it turns hostile. Yes, I am channeling my inner Tolkien, one ring to control them all
Cool idea. Almost odd that it hasn't been done (at least that I know of).
The thieves guild tribute chest refills after 10 days - but ONLY if you don't go to the thieves guild for 10 days - its just a little thing but totally illogical and it infuriates me - I'm in and out of the thieves guild all the time, so i never get any tribute.
So...a mod to change this behavior would be wonderful.
The 10 day wait is fine, but the requirement to stay away is silly and needs to go.
Thanks for reading this.
Okay I've got a big one, a mod that adds character stat customization that is like a cross between Morrowind and Daggerfall. Here's a thread with all the suggested abilities.
The idea is this, you can have a permanent boost to stuff kinda mirroring attributes, but rather than trying the often very hard to balance in Skyrim's engine leveling attributes, INSTEAD has you choose three main attributes that give permanent stat buffs, which are powerful enough to be extremely useful early game, somewhat useful mid game, and still a bit useful endgame. IE static attributes, to ATTEMPT to make SOME type of attribute system that's balanced. Sadly, there seems no way to replicate the luck stat, but still way better than just stamina/health/magicka.
As well as resistance to elements, or even stuff like resist normal weapons- normal weapons being iron/wood/steel/imperial. The balancing factor is this- for every one advantage you choose, you must choose one disadvantage, and only 6 advantages max.
That's the one I want most, other ideas include Daggerfall Vampires, and the Sixth House from Morrowind returning, and isolated groups attacking Skyrim, and the expansion places. One last idea being, a mod that simply adds a chance to be attacked while sleeping, Sands of Time is a very nice mod, but I'd prefer something less script heavy just for a chance of being sleep attacked.
Another idea: A simple mod that makes spell costs increase by 200%, and decrease movement speed by 70% when under 20% stamina, and that makes melee attacks require at least 20% stamina
Didn't see any "name" in the enchantments that seemed exactly like that; but they are not explained. Have you seen http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58635/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D58635%26preview%3D&pUp=1
Spell practice mod ? When you learn a new spell, it starts at 50% magnitude but each time you cast it , the power increases.
Or maybe a mod that adds a bounty when you cast spells in a hold (except if you are in combat or it's a non hostile spell of course) : I mean, everyone in Skyrim is fearful of magic but no one bats an eye when you are burning everything in a town.
Yeah I already have that mod, and its great. But none of the enchantments do anything like the requests. (Going by the readme which lists all enchantments with description.)
Mostly I have my heart set on an armor enchantment that have a chance to block the sun. I can see it now, fighting some npc in a city, the sky going dark.. then a dawnguard vampire raiding party attacks..
Perhaps you should update older mods. Like SkyDie....
But if you want something, then how about a mod that makes it impossible to learn a certain level spell without having the perk required for it. Ex: Flames spell requires the Novice Perk. This will make it so you actually have to train in magic before you can spam learn spells.
There are already many mods that make merchants buy stolen items.
What I would like to see is a mod that make that but also introduces a detect/suspicious check.
A high value item would make the merchant suspicious and report you
Players stats (speech) as well as reputation would lower the stolen detection
oh, and make it compatible with T&B please