Recently, I finally understood Michael Kirkbride's explanations on CHIM and the Psijic Endeavour, and the apotheosis/enlightenment that follows. Also that Lorkhan/Shor/Shezzar deliberately "failed" at his creation of Mundus in order to allow mortals to transcend the cosmic boundaries of Anu and Padomay, until you reach a state where you exist within and outside these bounds simultaneously. So far so good.
But when I read MK's clarification between the Psijic Endeavour and the Psijic Order, I clearly saw a bias against one of the oldest and (arguably) most powerful magical monastic orders (which is essentially Altmer). MK specifically said the Psijics were "wrong-headed from the start", because in their early days they put too much emphasis on ancestor worship/study/preservation, which is in general a cultural feature of the Altmer as a whole.
From MK's posts, pretty much it is clear the Altmer are the losers in the metaphysics of Mundus. Lorkhan very clearly favours the races of men (particularly Imperials and Nords). His martyrdom-trickery is intended to be discovered and utilised by the mortals, for their own good. The men exemplify change and ambition, and Lorkhan's spirit, so they're good. The Bosmer are focused on "the now", and the Dunmer are marginally close to the idea of CHIM (although the Chimer were pretty much spot on grasping the idea). The Altmer, however, are just these stubborn, stagnant, order-obsessed race who just can't get over their sundering from the spirit world. They are so focused on looking at Aetherius and worshipping their gods and just focusing on Anuic principles, that they are too short-sighted to even come close to the whole idea of the Psijic Endeavour - so they can't grasp the whole metaphysical goal of the universe. They only whine and complain without seeing the big picture, basically.
So, with all of that in mind, I got a bit sad. The Altmer, for me, are one of the most interesting races, and I thought that their "tragedy" about "we got sundered from the spirit world" was pretty lame. You can't compare their "tragedy" to the typical trope of "high elf tragedy" which is often compelling in other settings - the Elves in DA, the Eldar from Warhammer 40K, even the elves from the Witcher, the High Elves from Warhammer. But when I fully grasped that, by virtue of attitude and perspective, the Altmer are pretty much doomed not to understand the whole point of Mundus and of existence. That is actually more tragic because it is on a cosmic scale, not just a cataclysm or a war which are on a physical/mortal scale. And it's pretty sad, especially for people who like to roleplay Altmer.
What do you think? Do you think my interpretation is correct? It's kind of sad that the ES is so.... man-centric and in favour of man. The Dunmer and the Bosmer are not even concerned, so it's pretty much Man (the winner/the one on the right track) vs Altmer (the stubborn, rigid loser).