(need help) how to fix the price of coin items.

Post » Sat Oct 11, 2014 12:42 pm

Im using Coins of Tamriel which changes the normal gold coin into copper coins, and then adds silver and gold coins to the game world. I have a number of silver septims, havent found any gold yet, also some copper and silver dwarven coins which is neat. With this mod it basically 're-denominates' the economy so that it only costs a few coppers (Which I like to call bits) to get a meal, rather than the same number in gold which would be ludicrously over priced. What I would like to do is be able to go into the game and fix the price of metals (Curundum, Silver, Gold, so that I can get full value in trade for coins, and have the ores/bars reflect the value of the coins by weight. I use Requiem to get coin weight for the normal coins, and I like the bank mod that adds banking features. Oh, and the crafting overhaul changes the name of Curundum to Copper, which is neat... :happy:

Now that I think about it not just fixing the prices, but some of the coins need to be reweighed because they arent from the same mod and maybe a patch to the bank mod to make the different coins exchangeable so you can take your literal pounds of coppers and trade them in for gold instead of just bank notes...

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Erin S
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