Hello Forum,
I have a trader I have put out by the Ivanpah Hills, close to where the Power Ganger assassins spawn but also close enough where Legion Assassins will track me to him should I head his way. His container and dialog all work as they should. I used the NVMerchantMale actor base along with the related factions. Gave him a sandbox package, etc. I can trade with him whenever I want.
He will attack the Powder Gangers on sight, but will not attack the bark scorpions that sometimes head his way, even though other traders will go out of their way to attack them (and I mean the Travelling Merchants when I say this.)
Further, if the Legion shows up, he will become hostile to ME and aid them in the attack. To attempt to remedy this, I tried adding PlayerFaction and then FollowerFaction to his list. Now he just idles while they attack me and does nothing -- but will still attack the Powder Gangers.
I'm baffled. Other traders will outright suicide themselves attacking Legion Assassins (particularly near Grub n Gulp) and I am using the EXACT actor base as them. I just don't get it.
Any ideas?