Advanced Bartering v1.0
This mod is based on Fliggerty's Improved Bartering. It fixes bugs in IB and adds some new features. Like IB it
allows you to trade with NPCs and randomizes traders' barter gold. To try to convince an NPC to trade with you select
"Barter with me" dialogue option.
Things from IB that were changed/fixed:
When randomizing traders' barter gold IB used current barter gold values which were probably changed by IB the day
before. Basically the more you play with IB the richer traders become. AB uses values from loaded master files or
plugins when randomizing traders' barter gold.
The formula that changed traders' barter gold was wierd. It would rarely decrease traders' gold and could
easily quintiple it and it did not work the same way for every trader; the richer trader was the less he/she
was affected. With the new formula traders' gold can be anything from 0 to 200% of its original value plus
IB increased traders' luck, personality and mercantile skill and it was not mentioned in the readme.
The formula was wierd again; it did not take into account traders' attributes, but only player's level and
mercantile skill. At player level 1 every trader's luck and personality was 52 and mercantile was ( player's
mercantile + 52 ) / 2. So, at player level 25 every trader's luck, personality and mercantile was maxed. New
formula just adds player level to trader's personality and mercantile skill.
"Barter with me" dialogue was redone. Now it's more complex and allows a wider range of player characters
to use it successfully.
Convincing an NPC to trade with you was bugged in IB; it removed some of their other services until you
restart the game, you were not allowed to barter for all item types ( or was it a feature? ), some classes' ( smith,
publican and maybe others ) trade service became broken, your HUD would dissapear. AB fixes all of that.
New features:
In IB trading with NPCs was not very useful since most NPCs in the game don't have any money. AB has an
option to add some money to every NPCs who is not a trader. It will be repeated everyday for NPCs that have no
money. Amount of money added is random but should be around half of total gold value of all items in NPC's inventory
( only their initial items count ). If an NPC has rare and expensive equipment he/she will probably have more money
than any trader making it unbalanced ( but vanilla economy is unbalanced anyway ). No gold will be added to NPCs that
have no equipment or items.
Skooma trade is different in AB. Merchants won't refuse to trade with you if you have skooma or moon sugar.
But if you sell it to them, they will report it to guards and refuse to trade with you for the next few days. Khajiits,
smugglers and NPCs with disposition 90 and higher will buy skooma without any questions, but there is still a 10%
chance that it will be reported to guards because risky bussiness should be risky.
The mod has a configuration menu. To bring it up use console command "startscript ab_config_script".
Not compatible with mods that add new service classes.
Known Issues or Bugs
Due to a buggy MWSE function some NPCs may be skipped when changing their barter gold or giving them extra money.
If you convince an NPC to trade with you but exit dialogue menu without clicking "Barter", their money will be
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