How many people do you think you've killed in video games? I don't expect you to come to an actual tally or even remotely near one, but it's just something I've occasionally wondered. How many people, as in humans in video game form, (not aliens, other beings or creatures) have I slaughtered in games? From all the GTA's, the Call of Duty's and other war games to the bandits and raiders in Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout and everything in between. We've all accomplished genocide on a ridiculous level within our almost embarrassing amount of hours spent in our beloved games.
It's just an interesting concept I thought worth discussing. Especially since traffic here in the 'ole CD is always quite slow while the latest big Bethesda game has lost it's common popularity.
(I originally had the title saying "How Many Have You....", but changed it before posting since I despise misleading titles)