Skyrim Favour Quest Help

Post » Tue Oct 21, 2014 10:07 am


This is my first post on the forum, so excuse how green I am.

Recently I've been trying to get to grips with the creation kit (after years of just fiddling with it). So, I'm trying to do a 'Basic' favour quest (I say Basic), much like Retrieving wheat for a farmer or wood for an innkeeper, however I'm using Deer Hide instead. So I've pretty much followed the same format as the original favour quests and cannibalised the code.

I've set up the script (Below) and the quest dialogue (Also Below). But when I test it, I receive no Gold and the Hide is not removed from my inventory! It's pretty frustrating considering I get no errors when I compile the code, which gave me false hope :(

You will be ending my suffering if you help me, and will receive a gold reward... If I ever get the reward working that is.


Scriptname OrtaHide extends Quest

Int Property SellOrtaHide Auto
MiscObject Property HIDE Auto
Int Property PlayerHideCount Auto
Int Property PlayerGoldReward Auto
MiscObject Property pGold Auto

Function SellHide(Actor SebOrta)

PlayerHideCount = Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Hide)

PlayerGoldReward = (PlayerHideCount * (Hide.GetGoldValue()))

If SebOrta.GetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer()) == 0

SebOrta.SetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer(), 1)


Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(Hide, PlayerHideCount)
Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(pGold, PlayerGoldReward)


Papyrus Fragment for The Dialogue 'I have Hide to Sell'

(GetOwningQuest() as OrtaHide).SellHide(akSpeaker)

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