Here's the script in question... It's ALMOST perfect but has one major flaw. Rather than adding ONE potion to the inventory of a dead humanoid or dead animal you casted a spell on, it adds as many as times you casted the spell or swung the weapon. It works like this: You cast a drain life spell on an enemy, or enchant a weapon with the blood absorption enchantment, and when they die a blood potion is added to their inventory.
It's a remarkably simple script, and I was surprised it worked so well... Only one problem it produces an extra item every time you hit something with a spell or weapon, which... Is imbalanced/immersion breaking/overpowered/etc/.
Can someone please offer some advice, as to what I might add to this script to fix that dilemma?
Scriptname ALectraVampBloodExtractScript extends activemagiceffect Potion Property akpotion AutoEvent OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)aktarget.Additem( akpotion, 1)EndEvent
It works great only one thing... I only want this script to add ONE blood potion to an actor after killing them. Not an additional blood potion every time they get hit by this spell. Is there something I can add to this script, which would make it ONLY add one blood potion to each actor this script adds a blood potion to, upon their death?
I'd be extremely thankful of anyone has any advice for this dilemma.