Future Elder Scrolls Game Suggestions from a Fan

Post » Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:40 pm


Over the past few years I've started to play the elder scrolls games and I've found them to be some of the best out there so far. The size and scope are magnificent, and I want nothing more than to suggest improvements to make this series even better. These are very rough suggestions and I hope others will help expand upon, or compare and contrast the positive and negative effects of these suggestions. More will likely be added over time.

1. Gameplay Modes: Casual and hardcoe:

Description: Two modes (apart from the difficulty settings) that influence how the game will be played. hardcoe mode being one that disables fast travel, quest markers, and other functions to make the game more realistic and immersive (and in a way similar to Morrowind's gameplay). Casual mode is one that allows fast travel, quest markers, and other functions for a at-ease playthrough without as much unneeded stress.

Reasoning: The reason behind these two modes being implemented is due to certain gameplay styles enjoyed by different types of players. Those who tend to roleplay and are searching for a difficult but rewarding adventure would have hardcoe mode to suit their needs. Those who are either new to the series or would rather play the game quicker or for other reasons would likely use Casual mode.

2. New and varied/ expanded weapon and armor types:

Description: The addition (and in addition to) of many different weapon types such as: Longbow, Shortbow, Shortsword, Longsword, Hammer, Mace, Spear, Halberd, Flail, Axe, Battle-Axe, Claymores, Warhammers, and Two-handed Maces. As for Armor types: Heavy, Medium, and Light (using Elder Scrolls Online as an example, even though Skyrim had a slight variation of this as Heavy Armor was metal armor, Medium armor was light armor made from leather or other light and protective materials, and Light armor was clothing)

Uses/Differences to current system: The Longbow/ Shortbow would have different draw times, and weights, the damage from the bow being based solely on the draw weight and skill of the user. Shortsword/ Longsword differences would be attack speed and damage. Hammer/mace: aesthetic only. Spears/Halberds/Flails would be implemented with unique features of its own. Battle-Axe/Claymore/Warhammer/Two-handed Mace would have attack speed and damage differences. Heavy Armor would not change. Medium Armor would have bonuses to traveling, sneaking, and endurance in general. Light armor would be mainly for mages with bonuses as such.

Reasoning: To add a larger variety of weapons and armors players can choose from to make their style of gameplay unique to themselves.

3. More choices in gameplay:

Description: A player should be able to join any side of any conflict through realistic means and have consequences equally from both sides. For example (using skyrim): Joining the Forsworn would give you allies in the reach but challenges in towns. Joining some factions will inhibit/block certain encounters, but will create new ones. In addition: To allow players to become any type of person they want with varied decisions. For example: if someone wants to be a medic, they can, and not all quests will be combat based.

Reasoning: To allow players to roleplay any type of character they wish (true to the lore) and have the tools in the game to do so. Also to make character choices meaningful and no longer feel as if no matter the choice the outcome never changes. This will allow for many more RPG elements to be implemented in the game.

4. Notoriety changes:

Description: Adjustments to current system to take character decisions and deeds in account in all things (and not just being famous for one thing and despised for another, being told so by a single person) to make decisions have an impact on how the world will look at the character.

Reasoning: To make more realistic gameplay.

Well that's all I can think of for now. Feel free to comment/suggest additions to this and critisize the ones already posted (as long as it is appropriate).

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Post » Sat Oct 25, 2014 1:59 pm

We have a thread for all suggestion on future TES games: http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1509268-official-beyond-skyrim-tes-vi-45/

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Elizabeth Lysons
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