Double checking and seeing if this is right

Post » Thu Oct 30, 2014 7:32 pm

So I want to create a scenario based on the player fighting this specific NPC; however, the player will stop attacking and engage into a conversation with this hostile PC by requesting a truce.

By doing this (Think I am doing this right) it'll be a forcegreet action. Under the dialogue of this forcegreet, I'll have the NPC's name ID and a IsBleeding under Target. From there, I'll also have a setstage for quest and throughout the convo depending on if the player slays or mercy the NPC, at the very end of the dialogue I'll have a GetOwningQuest().SetStage(This number) and on the finalized quest dialogue, I'll have SetObjectiveCompleted(The number linked to the dialogue)

But upon all action, do I have the setup right? Or does it not need a bleed out requirement for the forcegreet to activate? (Tried looking for a HP percentage, but couldn't find it. Think I'll need to script that out.)

Also, thank you for those who've answered my other topic questions. The help is much appreciated.

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Kayleigh Williams
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