I've come to realize that there are no perks on Mothership Zeta and that its pretty much running around shooting up Aliens. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Fallout 3 and only did this dlc to get more XP. Which is the only reason why I'm doing the DLC.
I'm guessing Bethesda realized that they've given enough perks....or something like that. I noticed there really isn't a story line what so ever. You get abducted and you pretty much kill a squad of aliens just to escape. This is the one dlc that is the least creative that Bethesda has come up with. There is nothing but killing alien after alien. I almost didn't feel like starting up this plug in.
Other than that, this dlc seems to be really random. I was thinking the entire time whether this dlc was either a joke by the devs. It has to be. Its even hard for me to take the aliens serious.
But back on the subject. One of the medic's that was abducted believes that aliens created life on earth and that they must be mad that the bombs fell. I was thinking that maybe Bethesda might be making an inside joke towards scientology or something to that effect. Or maybe BattleField Earth?
The only interesting things about the dlc is the people who were abducted. Especially the outdated Japanese Samurai who no one seems to really ask any questions about. I have no idea how a little girl has been on the ship for over 200 years and still looks like she is 6.
The bottom line is, I found this dlc less and less fun as the others in F-3. I wonder what Bethesda was thinking as this dlc hardly seems as though it has much to do with the original game since the Pitt, Anchorage, and The Brotherhood of Steel add on.
There's a guy in the Brotherhood of Steel who makes a reference to the Pitt and there are references to the other dlc's. But none are made to Mothership Zeta. I'm kind of wishing a better more developed DLC had been given other than this.