I was working on my mod, Immersive Quests, just fine, until it began crashing every time I closed a certain topic.
Every single time I closed that topic, it would crash. So I tried the Player Dialogue tab instead of Dialogue Views, and finished the dialogue topic with no errors.
Yet, then, when I tried to even open the VIEW that the crashing topic was part of, it would crash my game. I made a new view for a new branch, which worked fine for a little while. Then, it would suddenly crash after I added a link (for any topic in that second view). So I finished it in the Player Dialogue tab.
I tried reinstalling the CK, but it didn't fix it. I've not even played Skyrim recently. Any idea what the issue could be? I sort of like my Dialogue Views. Also, I can't create new branches in the Player Dialogue, which might mean a new view for like... Every branch. In the future, that is.
I'm worried perhaps my .esp is corrupt, which would be horrible, because I'd have to go back a LOT.
EDIT: And now that I edited the second view's topic in the player dialogue tab, it too will crash my game if I attempt to open the dialogue view.