Adding Dawnguard & Dragonborn Patches to an existing Mod

Post » Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:33 pm

Hello everyone,

I have a Mod that I am looking to utilizing assets (and modifying) from the the various DLC's - particularly Dawnguard and Dragonborn.

My Mod adds loot to the various vanilla "boss chests". It also adds a large variety of new and custom items via standard leveled-lists.

I want to do two things:

1) make it so that the "boss chests" in the DLC's have the same extra loot added to them as in my main Mod

2) utilize the new assets in the DLC's to create a bunch of new items (just as I've done with vanilla assets)

My thinking was, since not everyone has the DLC's, to create two patches - a small mod each for Dawnguard and Dragonborn. That way if someone has the DLC, they can install the patch. Everyone wins.

The problem is that I can't quite get this to work and I'm not sure why.

I have mod created for the Dawnguard version (this new mod has my main Mod, Dawnguard, and regular Skyrim as dependencies) and I started created some new leveled lists (based upon the new content). At the moment, all I am wanting to do is add one of these new leveled lists, to an already existing leveled list in my main Mod. Doing this in the Creation Kit is no problem. The problem arises after I save and quit, when reloading the new Mod, I get an error message saying that the original leveled list (that the new mod modifies) is not unique and it then duplicates the leveled list with the same name and "duplicate001".

Hopefully this makes sense.

I feel that I am either doing something dumb (quite common) or perhaps I am missing something fundamental.

Any ideas of what I am doing wrong? Or, perhaps, any suggestions on a better way to utilize the DLC's?

Thanks in advance!

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matt oneil
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