So, disclaimer: This is in fact for an assignment. No it's not due tomorrow. No this isn't a specific problem that I'm supposed to figure out myself.
Anyhow, with that out of the way, first time poster here. Heya! I feel bad about not having code to troubleshoot, but therein lies my problem.
I am making the scripting for a multiquest mod for a level design class, and have something I'm not sure how to do/know if its even possible. If it's not I need to panic and change my plans in a hurry, since we're starting to get into crunch. So not a super rush... But It'd be nice to know.
The player needs to frame someone for putting a basket over a shrine of Talos. (Trust me, it makes sense in context)
So the question is simple: How do I tell if the basket is indeed atop the shrine object, and more importantly is still there by the time the player goes and tattles? If I had to guess I'd say a trigger, but then I'm not positive how to let my quest NPC know that, and to register if it fell off/never actually stayed. I assume it can be done.