» Wed Nov 12, 2014 11:32 pm
Yeah, I managed to fix it. However, what I couldn't fix is Bottle Home. I installed everything correctly... a few times. And The bottle is still a giant exclamation point. And clicking on it just picks it up, no dialog.
Clean Bottle Home Advanced v1.2.esp
Also, I can't seem to go up stairs anymore. I am playing a custom race, Lyissias nymphs, I set their height to 0.70 and weight to 0.80 [why not?]. And I noticed I can walk through objects, and NOT go through places I should clearly fit [up the stairs in for example, the trader shop in caldera]. I tried setting the variables to the height and weight of the bosmer male, and I still can't go up them. I even tried taking all of my armor off...lol.
Resetting the height/weight to 1.00 seems to have fixed it. That is very strange... being smaller makes me too big to go up the stairs?