Hi! Everyone: I'm trying to fix two floating pedestals in the Great Hall of Battlehorn Castle Enhanced mod but no fixes could be made by trying different methods. My last try was by installing Oblivion Game, Battlehorn Castle DLC, and Battlehorn Castle Enhance then loaded the three in the Construction Set and only made Battlehorn Castle Enhanced active. Loaded Battlehorn Great Hall in to the Render Window drop each floating pedestals to the ground with "F". Exit the CS after saving the changes. No matter how much I try, nothing gets fixed and the game crashes before loading. Wrye Bash reports Mismatched "BattlehornEnhanced.esp". I have successfully fixed bugs on other mods before but this one is just driving me crazy. Is this a mod that can't be fixed or am I missing a procedure? I have surfed the Internet high and low but found no answer to this question. Can someone give me a hand please? Any help will mean a lot no matter how small. Thanks in advance.