Light missing ingame

Post » Sat Nov 22, 2014 2:07 am


I just finished up creating an interior I spent all of yesterday working on. I loaded it up in skyrim to test it and was quite satisfied but the lighting just wans't quite right. All the lights were there and functioning (after realizing you can only have 4 shadow lights on at a time and revising it) but they weren't really doing a whole lot so I switched to a darker theme on my interior. This looked a lot better downstairs but when I went upstairs I realized the most important light in my building (fireplace fueled by DLC2RedoranFireLight01) wasn't on resulting in an odd looking fire without the lighting fx. I know for a fact it was there before I switched templates but now its gone and my upstairs is ugly. How can I fix this issue?

I'm using WhiterunIntMedLighting now.

Also why do I need to specify a location in a cell under common data? I don't see how it does anything for me.

EDIT: Oh and the 'initially disabled' checkbox is not checked.

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Dalley hussain
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Post » Sat Nov 22, 2014 9:16 am

sounds like you have to many light sources. you can't have more than (my own rule of thumb) 3 lights hit per texture/model, or they'll go out and/or flicker

(you can check this under prefs -> shaders -> light passes iirc)

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Sarah Kim
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Post » Sat Nov 22, 2014 1:02 am

I believe that rule only applies to lights with shadows. I know you can only have 4 lights on with shadows at a time whcih is why its a good idea to only have 4 shadow lights in a given interior unless it is very large. However, I dont believe there is a limit on the number of regular lights the player can have loaded.

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Céline Rémy
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Post » Sat Nov 22, 2014 2:27 am

I'm having a similar problem, hopefully someone can provide an authoritative answer? I have about 20 non-shadow omnis in a room and when you move around, different omnis pop on and off. I know about the 4 unit limit for shadow casters (3 if you account for the player with a torch), but was unaware of the 3 lights per texture rule... Is there any documentation for this? Or an explanation of what causes it? ie. is it per graphics card or part of the engine?

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Post » Sat Nov 22, 2014 8:06 am

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Donatus Uwasomba
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Post » Fri Nov 21, 2014 11:27 pm

That is unfortunate. Thank you Doc, for the info.

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