Convenient Horses Mod Bug?

Post » Mon Nov 24, 2014 4:31 am

I've been using the Convenient Horses mod for quite a while and it actually made me WANT a horse! It's a GREAT mod and can't recommend it enough, but for the last couple of days, I've noticed that when I decided to turn off the 'Spectral Fade' setting for when followers get off their horses, the horses freeze and you can run through them like they're not actually there. I tried using the console, but it doesn't even detect them in the game. It's like they're a 'blank shell/mesh.'

Another fault I discovered was that one of my followers' horses was actually invisible and I ran into it several times and I could hear it. (The exact oppisite of the first bug).

Fast-travelling seemed to fix the problem and when I turned the 'Spectral Fade' back on (for when followers get off their horse) the problem has seemed to stopped.

I have a feeling that it is a script-error or something along those lines. Please let me know if anyone else has had this problem or similar, and then we can inform the author.
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Steven Nicholson
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