Hi all. I appear new here because I've had to make a new account. I'm sure I used to have one. Have old accounts been wiped?
I just wanted to say that I love Morrowind and Skyrim (not Oblivion I'm afraid) and I'm already looking forward to the next Elder Scrolls installment, which I always time with my PC upgrade cycle!
Anyway, to the point. There is one aspect of the game that really makes me cringe sometimes, it rudely tears me away from the fantasy world and, in my opinion, damages the overall experience; it's the language. The story is passable, not an easy thing to do! But some of the lines spoken by the characters in Skyrim should not be there.
For example, the whole opening scene in Skyrim is really bad. When you're carried in the back of the wagon to your execution you hear things like "Damn you stormcloak, Skyrim was fine before you came along" - not terrible but a very American turn of phrase. Followed by some quite convincing lines; "oh gods.... hold your tongue"
Then a terrible set of lines; "No. This can't be happening, this isn't happening" - Again, no one talks like that outside of America, it's just a bit weak and a bit trashy-hollywood.
Then some good lines, calling someone a "horse thief", very good, very well placed - as the french would say, good 'terroir'.
THEN THE WORST LINE IN THE OPENING OF THE GAME...... "End of the line" - this really shook my confidence in the script when I first heard it. I think the etymology of that phrase might even come from railways!? but even if it doesn't it's just not fitting for the scene. It's a cheap one-liner that Arnold Schwarzenegger might say, or perhaps something muttered in one of those 'Hangover the Movie' films.
The script begone quite stagnant during the execution scene but I can't recall the specifics....
All in all I thought the script was OK, and the game fantastic but if you could just take the American-ness and the cheap one liners out it would be exemplary!
Does anyone feel as passionately as I do about this?