=========== SDR - Sneaking Detection Recalibrated ============
This mod completely rewrites how sneaking/detection works. Complete details are on the main file site (see link above).
A brief list of the main features* are as follows:
- Takes into account the light falling on the detector as well as the player
- No skills are modified in any way
- All penalties / bonuses are calculated separately for each detector-player relationship
- Having a lit torch can cancel out any current or cast invisibility spell effects on the player.
- New spells to deafen/blind targets as well as muffle your character's noise, with custom spell icons.
- New spells for NPCs to cast blindness/deafness on the player.
- Extended sneak attack bonuses up through Master Sneak.
- Everything you have equipped impacts your sound penalties, not just boots.
- Equipped gear takes into account, clothing, light armor, heavy armor, and weapon (if drawn).
- Equipped gear penalties apply to player and NPCs.
- Sneak Skill-up bonuses for undetected assassinations
- New hearing/vision traits for all races and creatures. Takes into account peripheral and binocular vision angles.
- Sneaking NPCs can become transparent if not invisible.
- Chameleon refraction effects replaced with transparency.
- Designed for Oblivion and Nehrim.
- NPCs will actually cast Detect Life and Night-Eye spells and powers if they have them and are spooked.
- SM Combat Hide mod by Strategy Master is adapted and built in (with permission).
- New Perks, such as sneaking while sprinting and bypassing pressure plates and tripwires.
- Patches / Compatibility for Real Sleep Extended, Basic Primary Needs, Bare Necessities, Oblivion X.P., Druid Mod Remade, Thieves Arsenal, and Reneer's Guard Overhaul.
- Dynamically changing Night-Eye effect that changes in color and peripheral constraints depending on the lighting conditions.
- Fully customizable to taste via .ini file settings.
Voted FILE OF THE MONTH on the Oblivion Nexus for April, 2012
SDR has reached 370 endorsemants and over 10,000 unique downloads on the Oblivion Nexus, making it the [2nd*] most endorsed stealth mod on the Nexus! Thanks for the love y'all.
* SDR was number two to Jog's Stealth Overhaul for a long time, but then SDR overtook and widely surpassed his, but now Jog's is back to number one again. It's not a race, right?
=========== Forum Thread Rules ============
- If there is a problem, it is most likely one of three things:
- The SDR OBSE plug-in is not installed correctly
- Another mod is conflicting with one or more settings (usually disabling/changing an .ini setting in either of the mods will solve the problem)
- There really is a problem with SDR (you must have tested SDR on its own with no other mods installed to claim this)
To properly trouble shoot an issue:
- Read the documentation thoroughly first. It will most likely answer your question, or provide a method to solve your problem.
- If there is a conflict with another mod or some other weird behavior, you may only need to change a setting in the .ini. See documentation.
- Search this thread or previous ones to see if the issue has already been reported and solved.
If you still haven't solved the problem, I am more than happy to help. You must include the following information in your post:
- A brief description of the issue
- Which versions of SDR and OBSE you are using.
- A detailed description of the issue
- Your load order
- Links to videos or images that might show more detail on the problem (if applicable/possible)
If you discover an issue and resolve it, please post the issue and the solution in this thread so that others may find it.
=========== Current Version ============
7.3.2 is now available in the following installation package formats:
- Patch Only (for those with 7.3.1 installed)
7.3.1 is now available in the following installation package formats:
- Wrye Bash Bain package with Installer Wizard (works for Oblivion and Nehrim)
- Manual installer for Oblivion Only
- Manual installer for Nehrim Only
- RGO for SDR patch is available as a separate download in the optional files section. (It is already bundled in the Wrye Bash installer, but not the other packages)
Note: omod installer is not available at this time. I apologize for the inconvenience, but will rectify at a later date.
Download links, installation instructions, and load order recommendations here: http://www.saebel.net/SDR/sdrInstall.php
The .ini file structure system has changed, so if you are upgrading from any version prior to the 7.x.x series, only use your old .ini files as a reference.
Visit the http://saebel.net/sdr.php for complete details, including mod-conflict info, performance tips, and much much more!
=========== NEW 8.x.x Alpha Version in DEVELOPMENT! ============
["Oblivion.esm":[actor array map]]
["000014":[data array map]]
["01c34d":[data array map]]
["Better Cities.esp":[actor array map]]
["0021a2":[data array map]]
["178b2e":[data array map]]
Let vDefaultData["avTokenValid"] := 0 ; 1 = valid token, meaning it has been initialized
; Actor traits
Let vDefaultData["avActorType"] := 0 ; determines if one of the NPC races (0), Creauture (1), undead (2), or daedra (3)
Let vDefaultData["avBaseAlphaValue"] := 1 ;" Alpha Value (transparency) 0 to 1, 1 equals solid
Let vDefaultData["avVisionQuality"] := 2 ; a.k.a. "VQ". Scale of 0 to 4, 0 = blind. 2 is average.
Let vDefaultData["avVisionFOVp"] := 180 ; Peripheral field of view range
Let vDefaultData["avVisionFOVb"] := 120 ; Binocular field of view range
Let vDefaultData["avHearingQuality"] := 2 ; How well the actor can hear. Scale of 0 to 4. 2 is average.
Let vDefaultData["avHearingType"] := 0 ; how the ears handle directionality, 0 = fixed, 1 = semi-flexible, 2 = omni-directional
Let vDefaultData["avStepWeight"] := 3.5 ; this is the "foot-weight of the actor, loosely based on their race weight/creature foot weight, scale, and strength
; Actor values
Let vDefaultData["avStealth"] := 0 ; SDR's Effective Sneak/Stealth/Perception AV
Let vDefaultData["avChameleon"] := 0 ; SDR's adjusted Chameleon value.
; Actor gear
Let vDefaultData["avUpdateGear"] := 0 ; flags whether or not to update all the gear related actor values.
Let vDefaultData["avHelmetArmorRating"] := 0 ; when wearing Helmet, Armor Rating is applied
Let vDefaultData["avHelmetPenaltyFOV"] := 0 ; the field of view penalty when wearing a helmet / hood
Let vDefaultData["avEncumbrance"] := 0 ; how much weight the actor is carrying
Let vDefaultData["avSkClothMult"] := 1 ; the multiplier to cloth gear noise based on skill of actor
Let vDefaultData["avSkLightMult"] := 1 ; the multiplier to light armor gear noise based on skill of actor
Let vDefaultData["avSkHeavyMult"] := 1 ; the multiplier to heavy armor gear noise based on skill of actor
; Actor statuses
Let vDefaultData["avVampirismStatus"] := 0 ; determines how far along in vampirism an actor is. 0 = not a vampire
Let vDefaultData["avHealthFatigue"] := 0 ; the modifier to detection based on health / fatigue
Let vDefaultData["avIsUnconsious"] := 0 ; 1 = unconscious
Let vDefaultData["avGetSleeping"] := 0 ; GetSleeping (for detection formula calc)
Let vDefaultData["avIsTalking"] := 0 ; Determines if the actor is currently talking
Let vDefaultData["avIsInDialogue"] := 0 ; Determines if the actor is currently in dialogue with someone else.
Let vDefaultData["avDeafness"] := 0 ; How deaf the actor is
Let vDefaultData["avHearingCurrent"] := 2 ; The current hearing quality of the actor. (the regular avHearingQuality will probably be the default, but may be modified by spell effects.)
Let vDefaultData["avMuffleMult"] := 0 ; 0 = no muffling, 1 is 100% muffled
Let vDefaultData["avTotalMass"] := 10 ; combines step weight with encumbrance
Let vDefaultData["avFollowerType"] := 0 ; 0 = not a follower, 1 = companion, 2 = summoned
; movement related
Let vDefaultData["avLandingBump"] := 0 ; the bump for being detected when landing after a fall/jump
Let vDefaultData["avTerrainType"] := 0 ; the type of terrain the actor is currently treading on
Let vDefaultData["avMoveRateMult"] := 1 ; the modifier to detection based on how fast the actor is travelling
Let vDefaultData["avMoveType"] := 0 ; how the actor is moving (0 = standing still, 1 = turning in place, 2 = walking, 3 = running, etc.)
Let vDefaultData["avIsSneaking"] := 0 ; IsSneaking (for .dll detection formula calc)
; Detect Life Shader Number
Let vDefaultData["avDetectLifeEffectNum"] := 0 ; for clearing out Detect Life Effects on death
; Temp Blindness Calculations
Let vDefaultData["avTempBlindValue"] := 0 ; the blindness level of the actor due to magical effects
Let vDefaultData["avTempBlindDurationMax"] := 0 ; the maximum duration of the temporary blindness effects
Let vDefaultData["avTempBlindSecondsPassed"] := 0 ; how many seconds have passed since the temp blindness effects were applied
; Temp Deafness Calculations
Let vDefaultData["avTempDeafValue"] := 0 ; the deafness level of the actor due to magical effects
Let vDefaultData["avTempDeafDurationMax"] := 0 ; the maximum duration of the temporary deafness effects
Let vDefaultData["avTempDeafSecondsPassed"] := 0 ; how many seconds have passed since the temp deafness effects were applied
; Detection formula related
Let vDefaultData["avDetectionFormula"] := 0 ; Detection Formula to use
Let vDefaultData["avDistToPlayer"] := 10000 ; Distance of actor to the player
Let vDefaultData["avAttackedPlayer"] := 0 ; Distance of actor to the player
Let vDefaultData["avRadiusTorch"] := 0 ; The radius of light supplied by a lit torch, if any (for detection formula calc)
Let vDefaultData["avRadiusLight"] := 0 ; The radius of light supplied by a an active light spell, if any (for detection formula calc)
Let vDefaultData["avLightLevel"] := 100 ; the light level hitting the actor. Scale of 0 to 100. 100 equals fully lit
Let vDefaultData["avAudioPenalty"] := 0 ; the total audio penalty based on movement rate/type, gear worn, and weapons drawn
Let vDefaultData["avFactorCrimeGold"] := 0 ; Current skill detection adjustment due to crime gold set on the actor
Let vDefaultData["avFactorClothingValue"] := 0 ; Current skill detection adjustment due to value of clothing on the actor
; External mod values
Let vDefaultData["avxDetectorAdj"] := 0 ; adjustments to the detector's chance to detect, tweaked by external mods
Let vDefaultData["avxTargetAdj"] := 0 ; adjustments to the target's chance to detect, tweaked by external mods
Let vDefaultData["avxRealSleepAdj"] := 0 ; adjustments applied based on factors from the Real Sleep mod
Let vDefaultData["avxBPNeedsAdj"] := 0 ; adjustments applied based on factors from the Basic Primary Needs mod
Let vDefaultData["avxBareNecAdj"] := 0 ; adjustments applied based on factors from the Bare Necessities mod
It should be stable enough, but there is always a risk when working with Alphas/Betas.