This is probably a very silly question but I cannot figure this out. I'm trying to get the game to check if an enemy is in the bleed-out state, if they are a follower goes up to them and adds them to a faction and change their outfit. But the problem I'm having is the line in bold is giving me this error:
e:\programs\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\DTCaptureScript.psc(11,32): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'IsBleedingOut'
Actor Property DTAnitaRef Auto
Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
Function DTAnitaChainup()
If (PlayerRef.GetCombatState() == 1)
Debug.Trace("Player in combat")
If PlayerRef.GetCombatTarget() IsBleedingOut = true
Debug.Trace("Enemy bleeding out!")
I'm pretty sure its the line in bold that is giving me the error but I have no clue how to fix it