I installed http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59849/?, and my OCD side is very happy . The only problem is that I have so many interesting options that it has become quite hard to choose. I already gathered 7 unused perks, and I think time has come to decide.
First I was thinking about using heavy armor, since I enjoy combat so much, and also spells. So I was thinking about just casting some awesome destruction spells, then hiding behind my shield, waiting for magika to regen.
But another idea came along, that seems actually interesting. Using light armor, but not for the sneak (sneak only with bow). The light armor perks actually support a more active type of fighting, with running around, dodging. And it seems more fun overall - since I enjoy Adrenaline Rushes, when I am getting close to death and fighting with all my strength and abilities to stay alive.
So, to summarize, the two build I was thinking of would be:
1. Battlemage - with heavy armor, focus on shields, one handed blunts to disorient enemies while I recover, two handed for heavy damage, destruction focused on ice to recover stamina quicker, and also deplete the enemies, maybe some conjuration and alteration.
2. light armor mage - with light armor, shield, but with a focus on quick reflexes, blunts one handed, maybe two handed for damaging attacks, but risky because of the slow attack speed, and ranged weapon with enchanted quivers. Also, destruction magic, but maybe focused on lighting for the extra speed perks (and to be fast as lightning ), some illusion, alteration, conjuration - with the focus on necromancy, to revive my fallen enemies to protect little fragile me
What do you think? Which sounds the most fun?